Cleveland Road Primary School

Beat Goes On Playlist

Beat Goes On (Nursery pm)

An exciting, large-scale body percussion project: the children took part in a series of high-energy, fun workshops through which they learnt STOMP!-style body percussion rhythms; created pupil-led compositions of solo performances; and developed, rehearsed and perfected small-group and whole-class routines. The children learnt rhythms from a range of cultures including from Brazil and West Africa. The entire school came together for one BIG performance. Thank you to Ollie Tunmer for his tremendous support!

Beat Goes On (Nursery am)

An exciting, large-scale body percussion project: the children took part in a series of high-energy, fun workshops through which they learnt STOMP!-style body percussion rhythms; created pupil-led compositions of solo performances; and developed, rehearsed and perfected small-group and whole-class routines. The children learnt rhythms from a range of cultures including from Brazil and West Africa. The entire school came together for one BIG performance. Thank you to Ollie Tunmer for his tremendous support!

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Artsmark Playlist

Miss Alexander's Introduction to Year 4's Dance Works

When looking at the painting of Penelope with the Suitors, the children of Year 4 at Cleveland Road Primary School decided that they would like to respond to the work in Dance – to create dance pieces that reflected their ideas and thoughts about the painting; dance pieces that enabled them to explore the questions and feelings it inspired. The children are very proud and happy to be representing the school in this year’s Take One Picture exhibition. We hope that you enjoy their work.

Penelope with the Suitors: 4A's response to the painting

This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.

Penelope with the Suitors: 4G's response to the painting

This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.

Penelope with the Suitors: 4I's response to the painting

This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.

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Music Showcases: A few Highlights


Enjoy the school orchestra's performance of this classic tune from The Sound of Music.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

Performed on guitar.

Year 4 Djembe Performance

Sit back and enjoy a performance from our Year 4 pupils on thier African drums. They have worked very hard to improve thier focus, concentration, sense of rhythm and the ability to play in unision (together), watching the conductor closely for the tempo.

Should I Stay...or Sing Puccini?

Only at Cleveland will you find The Clash colliding with Puccini! Enjoy the guitar ensemble's renditions of Should I Stay or Should I Go...and Nessun Dorma! Who needs Pavarotti!?!

How to Save a Life

As part of a Music Showcase in which the children shared thier own creative responses to different pieces of music, Miss Jonker's class ensured that there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Led, created and performed by the children, this piece perfectly demonstrates pupil leadership at Cleveland.

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Cleveland Road Radio - Podcasting club

My first Podcast by Zakariya K - Year 4

The students of Cleveland Radio have had their first podcast experience. They recorded introductions of themselves and then used Audacity to mix a number of tracks together and used a theme song of their choice. The children created, edited and mixed all the tracks on their own.

My first podcast - Ishaq - Year 5

The students of Cleveland Radio have had their first podcast experience. They recorded introductions of themselves and then used Audacity to mix a number of tracks together and used a theme song of their choice. The children created, edited and mixed all the tracks on their own.

My first podcast - Prisha - Year 5

The students of Cleveland Radio have had their first podcast experience. They recorded introductions of themselves and then used Audacity to mix a number of tracks together and used a theme song of their choice. The children created, edited and mixed all the tracks on their own.

My first podcast - Tambhi - Year 5

The students of Cleveland Radio have had their first podcast experience. They recorded introductions of themselves and then used Audacity to mix a number of tracks together and used a theme song of their choice. The children created, edited and mixed all the tracks on their own.

My first podcast - Marian.C - Year 5

The students of Cleveland Radio have had their first podcast experience. They recorded introductions of themselves and then used Audacity to mix a number of tracks together and used a theme song of their choice. The children created, edited and mixed all the tracks on their own.

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