This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.
This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.
When looking at the painting of Penelope with the Suitors, the children of Year 4 at Cleveland Road Primary School decided that they would like to respond to the work in Dance – to create dance pieces that reflected their ideas and thoughts about the painting; dance pieces that enabled them to explore the questions and feelings it inspired. The children are very proud and happy to be representing the school in this year’s Take One Picture exhibition. We hope that you enjoy their work.
This Dance Work is part of the Take One Picture 2017 -2018 exhibition at the National Gallery in London, 9th May - 12th August 2018.